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Inclusive Advocacy Leadership Development (IALD)

The North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD) is involved in an Inclusive Advocacy Leadership Development (IALD) Initiative. This effort is focusing on several important areas of advocacy and leadership development, including:

  1. Advocacy Organizing:  The focus on this portion of the initiative is directed toward strengthening the organization of self-advocacy in NC.  
  2. Leadership Training and Delivery: The focus of this area is to consider intentional leadership development education for self-advocates, parents, professionals and other stakeholders.

Both features are mandates in the Developmental Disabilities and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) for Councils on Developmental Disabilities, and are part of the NCCDD Five-Year Plan.


Why is NCCDD funding this initiative?Goal 3 of the new Five Year Plan: Increase advocacy for individuals with I/DD.

  • The NCCDD Five-Year Plan process highlighted the importance and need for the Council to focus on the support of organized self-advocacy in NC. It is critical for self-advocates in NC to have an active leadership role and presence in policy decisions occurring in the long-term services and supports systems in NC.
  • This initiative supports NCCDD's Goal 3 of the current Five Year Plan: Increase advocacy for individuals with I/DD
This initiative supports NCCDD's Goal 3 of the new Five Year Plan: Increase advocacy for individuals with I/D
This initiative supports NCCDD's Goal 3 of the new Five Year Plan: Increase advocacy for individuals with I/D

What are the major goals and objectives?

  • The long-term vision and goals of this group primarily center around strengthening the self-advocacy movement across the entire state of North Carolina. 
  • Building on the recommendations of the NCCDD’s Advocacy Ambassador report, while self-advocates are active across NC, there is not a state-wide organization of these efforts and activities. 
  • Ultimately, two main goals include the reestablishment of a recognized state-wide self-advocacy organization that will include representation from self-advocates across the state. 
  • In addition, training will be needed to support leadership and advocacy skill development.

What has taken place since the start of the program? (Activities)

  • The NCCDD IALD initiative is about leadership development and has two primary features: Advocacy Organizing and Leadership Training Curriculum Development. Both features are mandates in the DD Act for Councils on Developmental Disabilities and are part of the NCCDD Five-Year Plan.  
  • The DD Act also expects collaboration among the NC DD Network that includes the NCCDD, Disability Rights NC(DRNC) and the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD).

What has been achieved to date?

  • Following a rigorous interview process, two co-coordinators were engaged as temporary employees of the NCCDD.
  • Activity I: The NCCDD, DRNC, and the CIDD maintain shared commitment and balanced support of this IALD activity. 
    • Twelve (12) self-advocate members of the NC DD Network boards engaged in the "Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope" (PATH) strategic planning process for the advancement of self-advocacy organizing in NC. 
    • The NC Empowerment Network (NCEN) is the chosen moniker of the self-advocate members.
    • The NCEN has taken steps to reactivate and transform the Association of Self-Advocates of NC (ASANC). With support from the single active member of ASANC, the NCEN self-advocates became members of ASANC to legally proceed through the steps of transitioning the ASANC 501c3 to the NCEN.
    • The NCEN Mission Statement: Advocating for inclusive and equal lives for North Carolinians with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the state.
    • The NCEN Vision Statement: Our vision is for people with disabilities to be influential leaders for social change.
    • NCEN Catch Phrase: Get Your Lead On!
  • Activity II: NC Partners in Policymaking© and NC Advancing Strong Leadership in Developmental Disabilities graduates, mentors and staff made up a 9-member panel to discuss strengths and other features of the two training programs. The panel also discussed plausibility of combining elements of Advancing Strong Leadership and Partners in Policymaking.
    • The primary themes from the panel discussion included: growth and development; network-building/network activism; diversity within the context of disabilities; and program structure features.
    • Members of the panel and select other Advancing Strong Leadership and Partners in Policymaking graduates, staff and mentors make up a steering committee developing a structure and materials for surveying other graduates, staff and mentors to inform a potential future inclusive leadership training and development processes.
    • The steering committee is also developing schedule options for survey implementation.

What long-term changes are expected as a result of this initiative?

  • The goal of the IALD initiative is to strengthen the knowledge and skills of self-advocates with intellectual and developmental disabilities and individuals concerned with I/DD to effectively influence others regarding the capabilities of people with I/DD and to effectively influence systems change that positively impacts people with I/DD.

Who can I contact for questions?

Co-coordinators: Brandon Matthews, [email protected] and Lauren Borchert, [email protected]

NCCDD: Melissa Swartz, Systems Change Manager, [email protected]


Additional Resources

Inclusive Advocacy Leadership Development (IALD) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) –
Download PDF or Download Word Doc

Click here to download a one pager of this initiative.

Click here to download a one pager of this initiative.

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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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