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NC Advocacy Leaders Network

The focus of this area is to establish and maintain an organized network of developmental disabilities advocacy leaders made up of North Carolinians that are graduates from state and nationally recognized advocacy and leadership development programs. Programs include Partners in Policymaking©, Advancing Strong Leadership, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Related Disabilities, Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility, Ability Leadership Project of NC, and NC IDD Peer Mentor Training. Other non-disability specific innovative leadership training programs (e.g., The Council on Quality and Leadership professional leadership) will be considered.

During the first year, coordinated by Akalaka co., with partners the NC Family Support Program, and Community Bridges Consulting Group, the purpose of the NC Advocacy Leaders Network initiative is to identify, track, further train, and keep informed the graduates from NC I/DD advocacy training programs, so that as members of the NC Advocacy Leaders Network - they can be informed and organized to educate others about I/DD issues important to them and/or all North Carolinians.

This initiative supports NCCDD's Goal 3 of the Council’s Five-Year Plan: Increase advocacy for individuals with I/DD.

Why is NCCDD funding this initiative?

Goal 3 of the Five Year Plan: Increase advocacy

  • North Carolina does not have an organized network of developmental disabilities advocacy leaders made up of North Carolinians that are graduates from state and nationally recognized advocacy and leadership development programs, including:

    • Partners in Policymaking©, Advancing Strong Leadership, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Related Disabilities, Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility, Ability Leadership Project of NC, and NC IDD Peer Mentor Training. Other non-disability specific innovative leadership training programs (e.g., The Council on Quality and Leadership professional leadership) will be considered.

What are the major goals and objectives?

  • Establish, maintain, and engage an NC Advocacy Leaders Network made up of North Carolinian graduates of state and nationally recognized advocacy and leadership development programs.
  • In collaboration with the NCCDD, establish and maintain the customer relationship management (CRM) data collection system to record and track network member contact and related information, continued education experiences, and advocacy activity.
  • Keep informed of the Council’s Five-Year State Plan goals and public policy priorities for continued education and engagement opportunities for network members.
  • Establish the NC Advocacy Leaders Network as a shared benefit and shared investment for NC orgs, entities, etc. that need well-trained/informed, and savvy advocates including individuals with IDD/self-advocates, parents, family members, and other stakeholders to advance advocacy priorities.

The investment by the NCCDD to Akalaka co. started October 2023 and will end September 2024.

What activities will this initiative set out to do?

  • Recruit North Carolinian graduates of state and nationally recognized advocacy and leadership development programs.
  • Maintain regular contact with network members to:
    1. continuously build members confidence in reliability of the network;
    2. keep members informed of disability-related news;
    3. continuously build upon member skills and knowledge;
    4. actively work to strengthen member relationships with network coordinators and the NCCDD; and
    5. connect members with other advocacy organizations and opportunities.
  • Coordinate and implement a minimum of 6 virtual gatherings of the network as “getting to know you” experiences and to set the foundation for future events involving continuing education, advocacy, engagement, or information sharing.

What are the initiative's achievements to date?

The investment by the NCCDD to Akalaka co. started October 2023 and will end September 2024.

  • Developed a webpage, 1-page flyer and email that offers a concise overview of the initiative, including website and contact details.
  • Provided introduction presentation of the initiative and recruitment message at 2 statewide events.
  • Opened access to the website: https://www.akalaka.org/nc-advocacy-leaders-network
  • Revised the landing page for the NC Advocacy Leaders Network
  • Started developing a revised workplan reflecting the planning and implementation of a July 31st Kick-off event, 1 virtual training event (August 2024), and four ECHO model sessions to be held 1x weekly throughout September 2024.

Who can I contact for questions?

NCCDD: Melissa Swartz, Systems Change Manager, [email protected]

Additional Resources

Website: https://www.akalaka.org/

Download a PDF about this initiative: NC Advocacy Leaders Network








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North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities

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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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