Disability Systems Change Committee
Thursday, February 12, 2015
9:45 am. to 12:15 pm
Hilton North Raleigh/Midtown, Raleigh, NC
Members Present: Samuel Miller, Kelly Woodall Beauchamp, Crystal Bowe, Eric Chavis, Kerri Bennett Eaker, Wing Ng, Desiree Peterson, Joe Piven, Vicki Smith, Peggy Terhune, Joshua Gettinger
Members Absent: Courtney Cantrell, Christina Carter, Robin Cummings, Dave Richard
Staff in Attendance: Steve Strom, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez
Guests: Beth Stalvey, Kelly Friedlander, Cas Shearin, Karen Luken, Brian Beauchamp, Monica Hamlin, Robin Vawny, Sherry Franklin, Dakota Kirkland and Nicole DeLeon, Grandma Eaker, Devika Rao, Ron Reeve.
Welcome: Samuel Miller, chairman of the Disability Systems Change Committee, called the meeting to order, welcomed all members, and provided an opportunity for guests to introduce themselves.
Dr. Miller called for a motion to approve the February 2015 Disability Systems Change Committee minutes. Dr. Peggy Terhune made a motion to approve the minutes. Eric Chavis seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Fiscal Update:
Dr. Miller and members thanked Ms. Vasquez for her presentation on the fiscal details of each project.
Agency of Choice Model and Discussion:
Following up on a discussion from the November 2014 Disability Systems Change Committee, Kerri Eaker brought her son, Dakota Kirkland and one of his direct support professionals, Grandma Eaker, to talk to the Committee about the “Agency of Choice” model for providing supports and services. Mr. Kirkland talked to the committee members about how this model has helped him have greater choices to participate in his community. Many questions arose on the availability and promotion of the agency of choice.
Dr. Peggy Terhune made the motion to have the staff to gather more information on the agency of choice model and present at the May Disability Systems Change Committee. Dr. Crystal Bowe seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Dr. Miller and the committee members thanked Mr. Kirkland for his presentation.
Initiative Updates:
Karen Luken, contractor for Easter Seals UCP, provided an extensive update on the “Medical/Health Home” initiative activities for the past three months. Ms. Luken has been active in the past three months conducting community outreach and partner meetings. Ms. Luken presented a plan to expand the scope of work for the current contract period for an additional $20,000. The members discussed the merits of the initiative so far and potential benefits of providing additional funding for the current contract period. After the discussion, Dr. Miller called for a motion.
Motion to Amend Medical Health Homes Initiative
Dr. Peggy Terhune made a motion that the contract for the initiative: Medical and Health Homes for People with Intellectual and Other Developmental Disabilities: Coordination, Collaboration and Community led by Easter Seals UCP North Carolina & Virginia, Inc. be amended with an expanded scope of work and to include supplemental funding in the amount of $20,000 with required minimum of 25% non-federal matching funds, for the current contract from October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015. Dr. Crystal Bowe seconded the motion. Motion was carried.
Committee members, Dr. Peggy Terhune, Dr. Crystal Bowe and Desiree Peterson, and guest Robin Vawny requested that the minutes reflect that they were involved in the activities of the Medical/Health Home initiative but receive no financial gain by supporting the additional funding for the current contract period.
Motion to have the Council take a position on Medicaid Expansion
Dr. Sam Miller made a motion to have the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities take a public position on supporting immediate full expansion of Medicaid services in North Carolina to all eligible citizens. Desiree Peterson seconded the motion. Motion was carried.
Following a question and answer session, Dr. Miller thanked Ms. Shearin for her presentation.
Wrap Up and Reminders:
Dr. Miller thanked the members of the Disability Systems Change Committee for their work during the meeting and adjourned the meeting.