Executive Committee
FINAL Minutes
Monday, March 16, 2015
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Members Present: Adonis Brown, Anna Cunningham, Sam Miller, I. Azell Reeves, Ron Reeve
Members Absent: Caroline Ambrose
Others present: Chris Egan, Beth Stalvey, Steve Strom, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez
I. Approval of Minutes:
The draft minutes of the January 23, 2015 Executive Committee meeting were discussed.
MOTION: Adonis Brown made a motion to approve the January minutes. Sam Miller seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
II. Financial Update:
Yadira Vasquez reviewed the financial reports for the NCCDD. There was some discussion on the FFY balances and initiative expenditures. Anna Cunningham asked Ms. Vasquez to provide FFYs 2016-2018 budget summaries. Ron Reeve asked the members if there were any further questions and there were none.
III. Conference Funding Requests – No requests.
IV. Approve 3-month no-cost extension for Western Carolina University
Chris Egan asked Steve Strom to update the members on Western Carolina University’s request. Mr. Strom let the members know that the university revised their request to 60 days. He reviewed with the members the outline the university provided to validate their request.
MOTION: I. Azell Reeves made a motion to approve Western Carolina University’s request for a 60-day no-cost extension to their current contract. The contract will be amended to reflect the new end date of October 31, 2015. Anna Cunningham seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
V. Review of the Plan for the Ad Hoc Committees
The members reviewed the revised list of ad hoc committee members, based on their preferences. Azell Reeves asked how the facilitators will be supported with regard to setting up meetings, taking minutes, etc. Chris Egan assured her and the other members that the staff assigned to each ad hoc committee will fully support the facilitator. Ron Reeve reminded the members that since the majority of the 5-Year State Plan Development Ad Hoc Committee members are Executive Committee members, they will plan on having the first meeting before the start of the next Executive Committee meeting in April. Details will be finalized and sent out to all the members of that ad hoc committee.
VI. Discussion of the May Council Meeting Agenda
Ron Reeve and Chris Egan discussed with the members the anticipated events of the May Council Meeting. There are many initiatives due for approval of continuation funding, as well as Council approval of the administrative and programmatic budgets. Ideas were brought forth and a draft agenda will be presented to the members at the April meeting for their review.
VII. ED Interim Performance Review Process
Members discussed Chris Egan’s Interim Performance Review and the continuing process for member participation. A survey will be released to all members.
VIII. Other
Ron Reeve asked Beth Stalvey to give the members an overview of the current policy activities she has been engaged in and aware of.
Mr. Reeve asked JoAnn Toomey for an update on membership and asked that a letter be drafted from the Executive Committee, to Boards and Commissions, in support of re-appointment of the members whose appointments expire June 30, 2015.
Ron Reeve asked for a motion to adjourn.
MOTION: Anna Cunningham made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Adonis Brown seconded the motion. The motion was approved.