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Executive Committee Minutes, March 2016

Executive Committee
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Members Present: Carrie Ambrose, Katie Holler, Ron Reeve, I. Azell Reeves
Members Absent: Adonis Brown, Anna Cunningham
Staff Present: Chris Egan, JoAnn Toomey
Guests Present: Trish Farnham, Jack Rogers, Peggy Terhune

Chairman Ron Reeve welcomed the members to the meeting.

I. Approval of Minutes:
The draft minutes of the January 11, 2016 Executive Committee meeting was discussed.

MOTION: Katie Holler made a motion to approve the January 11, 2016 minutes. Carrie Ambrose seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

II. Financial Update:
JoAnn Toomey reviewed the financial reports for the NCCDD. There was discussion on the 2014-2016 FFY balances and initiative expenditures. Members were also provided FFYs 2017-2019 budget summaries and detail reports as requested. Chris Egan explained to the members the new funding allocation formula that AIDD is using, that reduces the NCCDD allocation back to the 2015 level for FFY 2017, to $1,976,156. The formula is based on total population, need for services and financial need of the state or territory. Ron asked the members if there were any questions and Chris Egan responded to a question regarding future possibility of changes in the formula used by AIDD.

III. Standing Committee Assignments and Initial Chair Assignments:
The members reviewed the recommended committee assignments and recommended initial chair assignments and discussed the suggestion of vice-chairs. Recommended chairs will lead their new committees during the May meeting with a Friday vote of the members to establish chair responsibilities. During the August meeting of the Council, the committees will each select a vice-chair. They reviewed and discussed the members that expressed interest to serve as a committee chair. Chris Egan let the members know that 90% of the committee preference forms were honored for the member’s first choice of committee with only four members receiving their second choice.

Azell Reeves suggested that there be a meeting or call before the May meeting to prepare the proposed chairs so that they know the responsibilities and expectations of committee chairs; i.e. that they are members of the Executive Committee that meet the months the Council does not and that they lead the committee meetings and report the minutes and motions from those meetings to the full Council. Chris and Ron will also meet with them before the May meeting.

MOTION: Carrie Ambrose made a motion to recommend Amanda Bergen as Chair for the Financial Asset Development Committee, Kerrie Eaker as Chair for the Community Living Committee and Nessie Siler as Chair for the Advocacy Development Committee. Katie Holler seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

IV. Conference Funding Request:
The members reviewed a request from Disability Rights North Carolina to fund one speaker for up to $1,621 for the 2016 Disability Advocacy Conference being held April 20, 2016 at the Friday Center for Continuing Education, Chapel Hill, NC.

MOTION: Carrie Ambrose made a motion to approve the request from Disability Rights North Carolina for the 2016 Disability Advocacy Conference being held April 20, 2016 at the Friday Center for Continuing Education, Chapel Hill, NC. The request is to fund one speaker for up to $1,621. Katie Holler seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

V. Amendment to Medical and Health Homes Initiative:
The members reviewed a request from Easter Seals UCP for a cost extension to their Year 3 of 3 contract to extend the contract to end December 31, 2016 with additional funding of $30,920. The members tabled the request and asked that the request be brought to the May Council meeting for the Community Living Committee to review and make a recommendation.

VI. February Member Survey Review:
The members reviewed the electronic and hard copy surveys submitted by Council members. They agreed that they were favorable overall, and most were very pleased with the current venue for the quarterly meetings.

VI. Ad Hoc Committee Updates:
Governance Ad Hoc – Peggy Terhune joined the call at this time and with Azell Reeves they discussed the process of updating and streamlining 11 policies and one new policy that are ready to be presented to the full Council in May. There will be one more new policy on Council Meetings that will be finalized for the Executive Committee to review in April.

Communications Ad Hoc – Chris Egan reminded the members that O’Neill Communications will be updating the full Council in May for continuation funding. The website is looking very good and Spanish translation is now available for most sections within the website. There has been good press for the NCCDD recently in conjunction with Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month with the Time Warner piece on the Beach wheelchairs at Fort Macon State Park and an article in the Triangle Business Journal in January.
Chris also reviewed with the members the communications ad hoc committee recommendations for additional awards the Council might want consider adding with the annual awards ceremony. The members felt that the two we currently have are prestigious and more awards might “water down” the current awards. The recommendation by the EC is to use social media efforts to highlight successes and examples of accomplishments.

VIII. Discussion of Ending Initiatives:
Chris Egan reminded the members that the ASLiDD and Partners in Policymaking contracts will be ending September 30, 2016. Ideas for a strategic plan for advocacy were discussed and how these programs can be more of a reflection of the Council. They’d like this put on the agenda for the Advocacy Development Committee in May.

IX. Preparations for Secretary Brajer in April:
Secretary Brajer will be coming to the NCCDD office for the next Executive Committee meeting on April 18th from 10:00 to 11:15 a.m. Members are encouraged to come to this meeting in person. They will start at 9:00 a.m. to begin the business portion of the   meeting and will continue after Secretary Brajer leaves if there are more agenda items to cover.

X. Review May Council Meeting Draft Agenda:
The members reviewed the draft agenda and made some suggestions including starting the Thursday meeting at 9:00 a.m. to include another break during the day and to include other agenda items. They made a recommendation to reach out to Dee Jones who is the Chief Operating Officer of the new DHHS Division on Health Benefits to provide information about the NCCDD and to invite her to a future Council meeting.

XI. Supported Living RFA Draft:
Trish Farnham joined the call and updated members on a potential collaboration between DMA/MFP and the NCCDD on Supported Living. Ms. Farnham provide a brief overview of the history and efforts of the federally funded Money Follows the Person (MFP) in NC. The opportunity for collaboration focuses on expanding the knowledge and capacity for supported living for people with I/DD in a person-centered inclusive manner. This opportunity coincides with the new Innovations Waiver service definition that will better support inclusive living situations. This also complements the direction of CMS regarding new expectations for home and community elements associated with the use of waiver funds for people with I/DD. Ms. Farnham explained that the funds identified for this initiative come from the enhanced federal match savings to the state that are to be used for efforts to increase community living options. This potential initiative complements Goal 2 of the new Five Year Plan goals and objectives. The NCCDD, as a partner in this effort could consider funding a portion of this three-year initiative. This will be presented during the May meeting to the members and Community Living Committee to consider approval to draft the RFA.

XII. Other:
Chris Egan reminded the members that the first listening session on the 1115 demonstration waiver was tonight in Raleigh. He also let the members know that staff are meeting regularly on the Five Year Plan and will continue working with the Five Year Plan Ad Hoc Committee to complete the remaining components of the plan, and staff will include the timeline calendar in the May mail out.
It is also time for the Executive Director’s performance review and they will get in touch with Anna Cunningham to review the survey from last year and see if any changes might be needed before sending to the Council members. This process should be completed no later than the end of May.

Since the chart of current initiatives in the new committees wasn’t reviewed, it will be put on the April agenda for the Executive Committee.

Ron Reeve adjourned the meeting.


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This project was supported, in part by grant number 2001NCSCDD-02, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

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