Executive Committee
Monday, June 19, 2017
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Members Present: Amanda Bergen, Anna Cunningham, Kerri Eaker, Katie Holler, Wing Ng, Nessie Siler
Staff Present: Chris Egan, JoAnn Toomey, Yadira Vasquez
In the absence of a Chair, Vice-Chair Wing Ng presided over the Executive Committee meeting and welcomed the members calling in.
I. Approval of Minutes:
The draft minutes of the May 22, 2017 Executive Committee meeting were reviewed and considered for approval. Amanda Bergen requested a correction to the second page, second full paragraph, last sentence to read, “The Financial Asset Development Committee recommended….”, instead of, “Amanda Bergen recommended….”.
MOTION: Amanda Bergen made a motion to approve the May 22, 2017 minutes as amended. Nessie Siler seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
II. Financial Report and Expenses/Match Update:
Yadira Vasquez reviewed the financial reports for the NCCDD. There was discussion on the 2015-2018 FFY balances and initiative expenditures. A detail report was also reviewed. Yadira pointed out to the members that that there is $139,808 available for new initiatives in FFY 2017 that began October 1, 2016 and $550,000 available for new initiatives in FFY 2018 that begins October 1, 2017. There will be $689,808 available between FFYs 2017 and 2018.
The members reviewed the initiative report and noted that there were no match issues needing attention. The members thanked Yadira for including notes at the bottom of the initiative budget and expense report. They also suggested that a refresher on NCCDD fiscal operations be given to the members on an annual basis. Yadira said that there is a fiscal section in the new member orientation and a detailed fiscal report is included in the mailout each year for the May meeting. Wing asked the members if there were any other questions or comments and there were none.
III. Council Meeting/Member Survey Review:
Chris Egan reviewed the draft August Council Meeting Agenda with the members. He mentioned that the DHHS Secretary’s top priority is Opioid addiction and that someone from Public Health will be presenting on this topic after Deputy Secretary Susan Perry-Manning is introduced. There was much discussion and ideas regarding the topics, timing and flow of the agenda to accommodate the agenda items and need for breaks throughout the day on Thursday.
It is expected that we will have the new Chair appointed by the August meeting. Wing Ng and Katie Holler discussed their Vice-Chair roles during the August Council meeting and it was decided that they would assist the new Chair as needed.
IV. Conference Funding Requests:
None at this time.
V. Personal Services Contract Review/Approval:
JoAnn Toomey advised the members that she would be creating the personal services contracts for Erika Hagensen and Jill Hinton for the upcoming year to send to DHHS for approval. They will then be sent to Erika and Jill for their signature and the contracts will be executed for July 1, 2017. The Council had approved the In-House Public Policy Initiative at the February meeting.
VI. Ad Hoc Committees/Updates:
Chris Egan asked JoAnn Toomey to update the members on the Ad Hoc Committees. JoAnn shared with the members that the Communications and Member Development Committee met on June 8th and nominated co-chairs and discussed the review of the easy-to-read version of the Council Bylaws. They will meet again July 20th to discuss any suggested edits.
The Five-Year Plan Ad Hoc Committee met June 14th and reviewed the State Plan update process, including advancing on-going stakeholder input via Council member engagement. The committee also received information about the Collective Impact model which guides how the Council develops, implements, and evaluates the effectiveness of our initiatives. Because only two members and two staff were present, the need to recruit more members was discussed. The next meeting has been scheduled for June 28th.
VII. Idea Portal on Website/Updates:
Chris Egan discussed the Idea Portal on the website and reviewed the four ideas received. He reviewed the internal process that will be used to determine the review of ideas with the executive committee as a standing Executive Committee agenda item. In brief, staff will review all information received through the portal. All information will be considered in conjunction with the Five-Year Plan. Staff will share with the EC if ideas received are in-line with the potential to apply for upcoming RFA releases, or if they might be brought forward to the Executive Committee for sole-source approval or for a new RFA release. The members agreed with this process.
VIII. Other:
Anna Cunningham gave an overview of the Executive Director’s evaluation survey. She will forward the results to Katie Holler and Wing Ng for them to provide a summary to Chris Egan and Deputy Secretary Susan Perry-Manning.
Chris updated the members on the current RFAs that will be presented to the Council in August for approval to release. Those RFAs to be considered will be Transportation, Natural Supports and Innovative Employment. He explained that it will be best to stagger the release of the recommended investments from the May meeting between August and November considering the unknown funding configurations for FFY 2018.
Chris also updated the members on the status of new members and the new chair. Boards and Commissions has contacted him with the Governor’s recommended appointments and they are currently vetting these potential members to confirm their interest in serving on the Council.
IX. Adjourn:
Wing Ng asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
MOTION: Anna Cunningham made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Amanda Bergen seconded the motion. The motion was approved.