In June, NCCDD Council member Bill Hussey, director of Exceptional Children's Program at the Department of Public Instruction, spoke at the graduation ceremony for Project SEARCH -- an internship program to increase employment skills and opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Project SEARCH is supported by...
On June 11, 2015 North Carolina Emergency Management's Emergency Preparedness for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, an initiative of the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities, held it's Mid-Year Conference to discuss emergency preparedness tools for the I/DD community.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a final rule for Medicaid Home and Community Based Services effective March 17, 2014. The rule allows beneficiaries access to the benefits of community living and receiving services in the most integrated setting and provides alternatives to institutio...
A group of self-advocates and the North Carolina ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Network are on a mission to begin conversations and increase the accessibility of North Carolina businesses for people with disabilities.
The grassroots guide, ADA: Starting the Conversation with Business, was developed by...