November 8, 2023: Four North Carolina leaders in disability advocacy were honored at the annual Advocacy and Leadership Awards presentation during the November 2023 meeting of the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD).
The three prestigious awards include the North Carolina Leadership Achievement Award, the Jack B. Hefner Memorial Award and the Helen C. “Holly” Riddle Distinguished Service Award. The awards honor their namesakes and those who continue to carry out important advocacy and community work to enhance the lives and opportunities for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD).
Talley Wells, Executive Director of NCCDD, said, “It is our privilege to recognize these amazing individuals who have impacted great change for people with disabilities in the state of North Carolina. Through their vision and efforts, their advocacy work has helped everyone, those with and without disabilities, understand the importance of collaboration in creating and promoting independence, productivity, and inclusion in all areas of community life.”
The North Carolina Leadership Achievement Award: Jacklyn Boeheler

The North Carolina Leadership Achievement Award recognizes an outstanding North Carolina self-advocate whose work has improved the quality of life for people with I/DD. This year’s recipient is Jacklyn Boeheler from Carrboro. She is involved with managing grant projects with the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in the UNC TEACCH Autism Program where her leadership has been instrumental in accomplishing innovative outcomes for systems change benefitting the inclusion of individuals with I/DD while encouraging self-determination. Boeheler is also co-founder and executive director of B3 Coffee, a non-profit organization that provides community-based integrated social and vocational opportunities for people of all abilities. Boeheler is consistently sought out for consultations and presentations about her expertise in self-determination that creates real-world change.
Watch a video about Jacklyn Boeheler.
Jack B. Hefner Memorial Award: Sarah Potter
The Jack B. Hefner Memorial Award honors family members or volunteers advocating and building a better North Carolina for people with I/DD. This year’s award was presented to Sarah Potter of Pfafftown. Potter’s path to advocacy is rooted in her commitment to advocate for her son, Matt, who has also become an advocate for himself and others due to his experiences of watching his mother advocate. She even inspired many of her son’s friends to become advocates, too, through nurturing, nudging and no-nonsense encouragement. For decades, Potter has served on numerous local, regional and statewide committees and initiatives making her a constant, positive presence in the forefront of policy and service development. She is described by others as a force that continues to give every day.
Watch of video about Sarah Potter.
Helen C. "Holly" Riddle Distinguished Service Award: Dr. Bill Milner & Betsy White

The Helen C. "Holly" Riddle Distinguished Service Award recognizes professionals who have made lasting contributions towards improving opportunities, breaking down barriers and promoting increased quality of life for people with I/DD in North Carolina. This year, the award was presented to Dr. Bill Milner and Betsy White from Asheboro who are the founders, leadership and driving force behind the successful development of Access Dental Care. Nationally recognized as experts in special care dental services for people with disabilities, Milner and White are passionate about oral health equity and the importance of a dental
home that provides comprehensive, compassionate continuity of care across the life span. Their commitment was recently recognized by the American Dental Association (ADA) when they were presented with the 2023 ADA Humanitarian Award. Their passion to provide services and listen to individuals and their caregivers over the years has now given access to quality dental care leading to healthier outcomes. Watch a video about Dr. Bill Milner and Betsy White.
About the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities: The North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCCDD) works to assure that people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families participate in the design of and have access to needed community services, individualized supports and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, independence, productivity and inclusion in all areas of community life. Through its Five-Year Plan, the Council identifies and funds innovative projects and initiatives that promote the goals of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) for all North Carolinians.